I just added a new piece to the site last night, “Ding Dong! Merrily on High”, which is arranged for SATB choir accompanied by handbells. The handbell part is very straightforward with the only real challenge being the the fact that it is in cut time. The choir parts are in a good range for an average choir and stay true to the spirit of this traditional French carol. I originally wrote this handbell arrangement to accompany the unison carol, so writing out the SATB parts was a fun addition! Techniques used are LV, swings, a few marts, and one shake. The packet includes a full score, separate choral score, a handbell part. There are two versions of the handbell part, one for 3-5 octaves and one for 2 octaves. If the 2 octave handbell part is used instead of the 3-5 octave part you may want to add a piano to help support the choir. This piece is fun to sing and ring!
Another recent addition from a few days ago is an arrangement for handbells and percussion of the Caribbean tune “Halle, Halle, Halleluja” for 3-4 octaves. I originally wrote this piece for my youth choir to give them an opportunity to work on cut time and a little syncopation. I have now added percussion parts to the arrangement to enhance the Caribbean feel. This arrangement works equally well for 3 or 4 octaves. Techniques include marts, mart-lifts, mallets, shakes and one echo ring. This piece will get your handbell choir dancing to the beat!